Daily Devotionals
Over the past year, our daily devotionals have been a rewarding experience, offering valuable resources for prayer and reflection. However, creating these posts daily has become time-consuming, taking focus away from other important projects. To address this, we’re shifting our efforts toward something more enduring: the first Romanist Prayer Book.
This prayer book will include all the daily prayers from the past year, along with new additions such as:
Monthly and holiday prayers
Devotional practices, including meditation techniques and ritual instructions
Special prayers and blessings for individual gods
Virtuous encouragement for personal growth
We’re excited to announce that this book is already in progress and will be available later this year. It will feature a custom print on imitation leather and a beautifully designed typeset, serving as a lasting foundation for Romanist devotional practice.
While we work on the prayer book, daily devotional posts will be paused, but the entire library will remain accessible for anyone to reference.
Catechism and Inquirer Courses
We’re thrilled to now offer Inquirer and Catechism courses for those interested in learning more about Romanism and beginning their journey toward membership.
The Inquirer Course is free and designed to help people explore whether Romanism aligns with their spiritual path.
The Catechism Course is available with membership. It provides a deeper foundation in Romanist theology and worldview and includes access to our Discord community, where members can connect and share insights. The course is still being published, and new sections are made available weekly.
If the $7 monthly membership fee is a barrier, please contact us—we’re committed to ensuring that financial limitations don’t prevent anyone from accessing these resources.
YouTube Channel
We’re excited to announce the launch of our YouTube channel! So far, we’ve released videos on topics like Platonic Apologetics and commentaries on Epictetus, with more on the way. Future content will include:
Romanist theology and principles
In-depth discussions on our practices
Explorations of Romanist ideas in a dynamic and personal format
YouTube has proven to be a fantastic platform for sharing Romanist teachings in an engaging way. Be sure to subscribe and stay tuned for new videos!
We’re excited about these new developments and grateful for your support as we continue building resources to deepen and share the Romanist tradition. Stay connected, and as always, feel free to reach out with questions or feedback.
Ad Glorium Iovis