Daily Prayer XIX
Hail, Mercury, lord of angels and guide of mortal souls,
Messenger of the divine Logos, bridge between heaven and earth.
You who carry the wisdom of the gods,
Illumine our minds and lead our spirits toward truth.
Swift-winged herald, you traverse the realms of the seen and unseen,
Revealing the paths that unite all things in harmony.
Bearer of the Caduceus, symbol of balance and unity,
Grant us the wisdom to walk the way of peace and understanding.
Guardian of the soul’s journey,
Guide us through life’s trials and mysteries.
Lift our hearts to the eternal light,
And teach us to embrace the divine order in all things.
O Mercury, divine guide, Be with us now and always.
Daily Meditation
"Whoever reveres and respects himself becomes his own guard to prevent himself from falling into any manner of vice.”
Commentary of Golden Verses 14-17
We should sit as a judge over ourselves out of respect and reverence for the immortal soul that is our true essence. If we respect this aspect of ourselves, we should not denigrate it by allowing it to fall into vice.
Monthly Ascesis: Praying for Virtue
“Ask from God those things that you cannot receive from man.”
“In the Pythagorean sentences, we are also advised not to pray for things that we can do for ourselves. For example, we should not pray for money or material goods because these are things we can work to gain by ourselves. Rather, the things we should ask the gods for are things that are, like them, immaterial and perfect. The best things for us to ask the gods for are virtues.
When we pray, we should ask the gods to show us the way to immaterial things that are aligned with their perfect nature. Cardinal virtues like prudence, courage, justice, and temperance are great starting points. But any virtue is worthy of our prayers of petition.”
Excerpt from Ascesis: The Handbook of Platonic Practice
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