Daily Prayer IV
Blessed are those who shun the grip of selfish greed,
With a wisdom that forbids harmful deeds.
In emulation of the gods, they seek the good,
Endeavoring to mirror divine brotherhood.
They hold in reverence the common good of the race,
Aware that gods' concern resides in this shared space.
They do not abandon the communal thread,
For in unity, the divine essence is spread.
Blessed are those who, with gratitude, give thanks,
To the gods for every boon, with hearts that flank
Jove, the source whence fair and good first spring,
In all things, a hymn of gratitude we sing.
Daily Meditation
“In the case of sacrifices offered to the gods: the [sacrifices] are not so much an honor paid to the gods as evidence that the worshipers are grateful for what they have received.”
Against the Christians
We do not sacrifice to the gods for their benefit but for our own. They are made in gratitude for what we have already received and the gifts of providence that we receive daily. Some may ask, what’s the point? Does hugging your mother have a point? Is making your child laugh a means to an end? Is helping a stranger in need a transaction? These things are not exchanges for goods or services, nor is the devotion we pay to the gods. Every sacrifice is an act of love and thankfulness. We give our time, energy, and material goods to show that each is used best when given to the gods, expecting nothing in return.
Monthly Ascesis: Repentance
"Repentance is the beginning of philosophy"
“Repentance is often seen as a particularly Christian idea, but philosophers were quite fond of reminding people to repent. Pythagoras, in particular, suggests two ways that we can begin to repent and take a better inventory of who we are. The word ‘repent’ is related to the Latin word for regret. The idea is that we should look over our actions and judge them if they are unworthy. However, the Greek word for repentance is metanoia, which means the transformation of the mind. Platonic repentance is about creating an inner change that leads us back to a life of holiness in harmony with the divine.
Pythagoras says we should “do nothing shameful, neither in the presence of others nor privately; Thus, above all things, sit as a judge over [ourself].” This suggests we should watch our actions, and when we do something wrong or shameful, we should repent, that is, regret that action. If we never do this or shun it as a practice, we effectively say we have no reason to regret our actions. However, regretting an action is recognizing an area where we fell short of our ideals. If we never regret or repent, we make any spiritual or ethical growth impossible. This is why Hierocles, commenting on Pythagoras, says, “repentance is the beginning of philosophy.””
Excerpt from Ascesis: The Handbook of Platonic Practice
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